• About

    www.ukmiracles.com was first launched in 2017 as an information point designed to help you bring the Exhibition of Eucharistic miracles, and accompanying resources, to your Catholic Parish or School in the UK.

    It has been created by Anna Johnstone who was, for three years, (2015-2018), the Governess, in Assisi, Italy to the brother and sister of Blessed Carlo Acutis, twins who were born in 2010. Anna has been facilitating the hosting of this Exhibition in England since 2017, as well as giving presentations on the life and spirituality of Blessed Carlo, and on the Exhibition.


    UPDATED ABIDE IN ME COURSE - www.abideinmecourse.com

    preview available now for completion 27th April 2025.


    Recent and upcoming engagements

    27/28.9.2025 St James the Great, Petts Wood, Orpington - Talks and Relic

    25/28.7.2025 'We Believe' Festival of Catholic Life, St Marys College, Oscott - Exhibition

    27/29.6.2025 Southwark Cathedral - Relic and Talk

    27.4.2025 Attending Canonisation with the family. Rome

    26.4.2025 Exhibition (30 Panels) booked by - Westminster Archdiocesan Youth Celebration for the Canonisation of Carlo Acutis. St Joseph's Stevenage.

    16.1.2025 St Joseph's School, Aldershot - Relic and Presentations. Morning.

    16.1.2025 Private workshop. Wokingham. Afternoon.

    19.11.2024 Edward Pentin article National Catholic Register with comments by Anna Johnstone Blessed Carlo Acutis’ Eucharistic Miracles Exhibition Stirs Interest, Devotion at Historic English Shrine| National Catholic Register

    2.8.2024 Blessed Sacrament Shrine, Liverpool, L1 1LE - 'Blessed Carlo Acutis - Prophetic Eucharistic Voice for today'

    14.7.2024 BBC Radio London, Jumoke Fashola. 8.10am

    https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p0j6d48v 2 hours 12 minutes into the programme

    29/30.6.2024, St Augustine's Tunbridge Wells, Relic, Talks and Video presentation

    Past visits with Exhibition plus Presentations - in Parishes and Schools - include Aldershot, Thame, Scarborough, Liverpool, Havant, Arundel Cathedral, Malvern, Gloucester and Shanklin.

    With the growth in interest in London born, Blessed Carlo Acutis, following his Beatification in 2020 and upcoming Canonisation in 2025, it has become logistically difficult for Anna to undertake this apostolate without help. She has been delighted to be assisted, since the summer of 2024, by Shania Steele. She is asking Blessed Carlo to guide and provide for this growing work. Anna Johnstone envisages continuing this work in the context of founding a new semi-contemplative religious community under the rule of St Benedict. She has the permission of her Bishop and spiritual director to walk fowards in this vision.



    The Exhibition of Eucharistic Miracles can be found online at www.miracolieucaristici.org

    This is Blessed Carlo's original website. A translation button is provided.

    Since Carlo's death in 2006, the Exhibition has been updated as new Eucharistic Miracles around the world have been confirmed.

    More information about Blessed Carlo Acutis and his other Exhibitions can be found at


  • Blessed Carlo Acutis

    1991 - 2006


    Born 3 May 1991, London to Italian parents

    Baptism 18 May 1991, London, Our Lady of Dolours, Chelsea

    Family returns to Italy September 1991, to Milan

    First Holy Communion 16 June 1998, Italy

    Confirmation 24 May 2003, Italy

    Died 12 October 2006, Italy

    Servant of God 13 May 2013

    Venerable 24 November 2016, Milan

    Blessed 10 October 2020, Assisi

    Saint TBC 2025, Rome

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    'The Eucharist is my motorway to heaven.'


    A future Patron Saint of the Internet?


    Blessed Carlo fell in love with Jesus and Mary, as a small child, and decided that he would go to Mass every day and pray the Rosary every day. And from the age of 7, this is exactly what he did. At the age of 11 he became a catechist in his local Italian Parish and also discovered the Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano. Carlo was amazed by this Miracle and shocked that information about Eucharistic Miracles wasn't readily available. He decided to change this. Widely regarded as a computer genius, he designed the website www.miracolieucaristici.org, and, with the help of his parents, set about collating all the Eucharistic Miracles that have been approved by the Church. This project was to take three years. In October 2006, at the age of 15, Carlo became ill with what appeared to be a virus, but which transpired to be fulminant leukaemia. Carlo died just a week later. Doctor Jankovic said that Carlo passed through his care like a 'meteor.' His downloadable, online Exhibition, rapidly spread all over the world. Carlo's progress towards Canonization has been unusually rapid, and there is talk that he will become a Patron Saint of the Internet.

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    Blessed Carlo was a warm hearted and generous child who was loved by his many friends and by his many pets!



    Although Carlo was a conscientious student and studied hard, he was a normal boy, who loved football and his friends, towards whom he was ever generous with his time and in whatever other way he might help them. Carlo also loved his pets.

    Interview with the Antonia Salzano Acutis, the mother of Blessed Carlo


    This interview is by Chris Stefanick in 2024

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    A Johannine Spirituality


    'We are all called to be the 'Beloved' disciple.'

    Carlo taught that we can all be like St John, the Beloved disciple, who rested his head on Jesus' heart at the last supper. Carlo said that when we pray before the Blessed Sacrament we can be like St John resting our heads on Jesus' heart and that when we go to Mass we can be like St John at the foot of Jesus' cross on Calvary.

  •  Some Famous Sayings of Blessed Carlo

    'To be always close to Jesus, that's my life's plan.'


    'The Eucharist is my motorway to heaven.'


    'If we go out in the sun, we get a suntan...but when we get in front of Jesus in the Eucharist, we become Saints.'

    'We can find God, with his Body, Soul and Divinity, present in all the tabernacles of the world! If we think about it we are more fortunate than those who lived two thousand years ago in contact with Jesus, because we have God 'really and substantially' present with us always. It's enough to visit the Church! We have Jerusalem on our doorsteps. Jerusalem is in every Church!'


  • Notes on Blessed Carlo Acutis'

    International Exhibition of Eucharistic Miracles




    by Anna Johnstone, Governess (2015-2018) to Carlo’s younger brother and sister.

    In a sense the Exhibition speaks for itself and invites a personal exploration… but if, as
    was my experience, you’re not quite sure where to begin, here are a few

    The Science

    Start with Lanciano x 2, 750 AD

    This was the Eucharistic miracle that Carlo stumbled upon when he was 11, in 2002. Carlo was
    amazed to discover that there were such things as Eucharistic Miracles.

    Professor Linoli conducted scientific tests on the Lanciano miracle in the 1970s. Amongst other findings, he reported that the sample was blood type AB and that the tissue was from a muscle in the heart, the myocardium muscle.
    Incredulous, the World Health Organisation asked permission to conduct tests
    themselves. Their exhaustive testsconfirmed all Professor Linoli’s results.


    Buenos Aires x 3, 1990s

    The eminent pathologist, Professor Zugibe, was asked to blind test a sample from these
    miracles. He became concerned because, in addition to the above results, he
    found white blood cells and evidence that the person from whom the sample was taken
    had been tortured. In that white bloodcells die within 15 minutes of leaving the body, he was very concerned about
    the person from whom the sample had been taken. He was amazed to be told that
    he had been given a sample from the Blessed Sacrament.


    Sokolka x 3, 2008

    Here you can see a picture of bread turning into flesh. This can be seen to be happening even at the molecular level. Not even the scientists of NASA could reproduce this effect.


    The Spirituality

    What has been particularly striking, in bringing this Exhibition to new audiences, is
    how affirming it is for the faith of those who already believe in the Real Presence. Speaking personally, this Exhibition has really brought alive, for me, our devotion to the Sacred Heart. I had no idea
    that there had been so many Eucharistic miracles throughout the world, or that
    the tissue was always from the heart. I have also been really touched by Carlo’s Johannine spirituality. Carlo emphasized that we are all invited to become the ‘Beloved Disciple.’ Carlo said that when we pray before the Blessed Sacrament we are like John, resting
    our head on Jesus’ heart. And when we go to Mass, we are like John at the foot of the cross.


    Types of Miracles

    The miracles fall into several categories

    1. Where a Priest is struggling to believe in the reality of Jesus truly present in the Blessed Sacrament.

    2. Where there has been a simple accident – a host has been dropped for example.

    3. Where someone has set out to commit some kind of sacrilege. Please do see Santorem!

    4. Where there are other mysterious phenomena associated with the Sacrament – such as light pouring out or
    ‘floating’ hosts. Please see St Clare of Assisi.

    5. And then of course there are examples of Saints being sustained solely on the Blessed Sacrament.


    The Theology

    The greatest miracle happens at every Mass, when the ‘substance’ changes into the body,
    blood, soul and divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ. (tran - substance - iation. 'Transubstantiation.')

    The miracles in this Exhibition, which concern the ‘accidents’ – that is the bread and wine, turning into flesh and
    blood – should be approached as wonderful signs from God, rather than something
    that is more extraordinary than transubstantiation itself. These are signs to help our faith.


    Blessed Carlo

    At the age of just 7 Carlo decided to go to Mass every day, pray the Rosary every day and
    spend time in Eucharistic Adoration. By the age of 11, Carlo was a catechist. Having discovered the Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano, Carlo wanted to make Eucharistic miracles widely known and he decided to make a website. His
    parents helped him with the research, but the website was entirely his
    design. (The Vatican are considering making Carlo a Patron Saint of the internet). The project took 3 years. In October 2006 Carlo became ill with what seemed to be a virus, but which was in fact fulminant leukemia. Carlo died just over
    a week later, on October 12 2006. His Exhibition rapidly spread throughout the world. Carlo was Beatified in Assisi in 2020 and will be canonized in Rome in 2025, date to be confirmed.

    For full information about Carlo’s Exhibition, please visit his original website.


  • First Class Relic

    Ex Capillis - Hair - with wax seal and certificate of authenticty

    Gifted to Anna Johnstone by the family of Blessed Carlo, with approval from her Diocesan Bishop

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    Miracle for Beatification, during Veneration of a Relic

    Carlo Acutis could become the first millennial saint. Here’s the story behind his first miracle. | America Magazine


    Tap this link for a lovely article, by America magazine, on the veneration of a Relic of then Venerable Carlo by Mattheus Vianna, then aged 4, who was instantaneously healed of a pancreatic defect in 2015. This was the miracle that enabled Venerable Carlo Acutis to be Beatified.



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    Can this Relic visit your Parish?

    In theory yes, the issue is one of logistics. Anna lives on the Isle of Wight and will prioritize requests within the Diocese of Portsmouth or those hosting the Exhibition, even if further afield. A formula for a visit could look like this:

    Reception of Relic on Saturday afternoon

    Talk on Exhibition followed by Rosary.

    Tea and cakes


    Evening Film of Blessed Carlo, with talk.

    Wine and nibbles


    Sunday afternoon talk on Spirituality of Blessed Carlo

    Service of Veneration

    Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament


    Tea and cakes



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    Signed by the Postulator, Nicola Gori

  • Hosting the Exhibition

    Initial things you need to know in order to host the Exhibition

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    The Exhibition Panels

    There are about 160 Panels in the complete Exhibition, but a Parish would typically mount just 30 panels.

    This being the case you may choose to print 30 panels yourself, retain the Exhibition and lend it locally.

    An example of a selection of about 30 would be:

    Miracles of the Eucharist across the world


    Sacred Heart

    Lanciano x 2

    St Thomas Aquinas

    Sokolka x 3

    Legnica x 2

    Buenos Aries x 3

    Tixtla x 2



    Blessed Alexandria Maria Da Costa

    Andre Frossard



    Santarem x 2

    Bolsena x 2

    St Claire of Assisi

    Angel of Peace, Fatima x 3

    If you are in Scotland and Ireland there is a wonderful combined apostolate of the Exhibition and a First Class Relic run by the Blessed Sacrament Fathers in collaboration with Maria Novani and team.

    If you are in Kent, Mike Southern is willing to lend his Panels locally


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    Obtaining the Exhibition from ukmiracles.com

    1. You must be in the UK

    2. Please read the information in this section

    3. Please make an initial email enquiry

    You will need to show that the resource will be safely and appropriately curated before it is posted to you.

    Please note that if enquiries are made from outside the Parish or School context, enquiries will be made as to the safeguarding provisions for the proposed event.

    Mounting the Exhibition

    The Panels are very easy to work with. They are very light but strong and plasticised. They measure 60cm by 80cm.

    On both a wall and a wooden surface they attach perfectly well with blu tac, albeit you need a significant quantity of blu tac! They can also be pinned to surfaces. Double sided tape can't be used due to the need to pack the Exhibition flat in between use.

    So far hosts have wanted to mount at least some of the posters on special display panels. You would need to obtain these separately.

    This is a picture from St Joseph's Thame which had 60 posters for 4 weeks, combining the Exhibition with 60 hours of Adoration a week.

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    How much does it cost?

    There is no sponsorship at present. Any donations will be gratefully received.

    The charge for posting 30 posters to you will be £50 plus postage.

    The picture here is the Exhibition in Brompton Oratory. They used 60 posters and hired display boards for 3 days.

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    Related Resources

    Films, online resources and printed materials

    • Vatican Produced DVD on Venerable, Carlo Acutis, 'La mia autostrada per il Cielo.' 'My motorway to Heaven.'

    There is an English button on the DVD for English narration and subtitles.

    This is a wonderful 50 minute film. Highly recommended. See picture.

    To buy this, go to Amazon.co.uk and search for Carlo Acutis DVD. Top search result should be Carlo Acutis [DVD] (English subtitles), with a picture of the Spanish version. Moja autostrada do nieba.

    • Vatican Produced DVD on The Eucharistic Miracles Exhibition

    • Free Online Animation on the Eucharistic Catechesis of Carlo

    Please scroll down to see this film

  • Anna Johnstone

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    Anna Johnstone

    Is the daughter of a long line of Anglican clergy. Her consistent, passionate ambition for the first 20 years of her life was to marry, have 6 children and become a housewife. To fill in the time before this hoped for eventuality she pursued her other two enduring passions, Theology and Singing. She read Theology at Cambridge and studied singing in London and then Rome. From the age of 15 she pondered why her family weren't Catholic as she could see that Jesus had founded the Catholic Church and wanted His people to be 'one.' She was received into the Catholic Church a year after graduation, in Rome, in 1992, and was confirmed in the Venerable English College a year later in 1993. During her first year as a Catholic, to her amazement, Anna had a series of powerful mystical experiences leading her to dedicate her life to God. Her parents were later received into the Catholic Church, and her father, Peter, was ordained a Catholic Priest in 1999 and recently celebrated his Silver Jubilee as a Catholic Priest.


    The 20 years following Anna's Confirmation were eventful and some of the fruit of those years, including CDs recorded in Westminster Cathedral are being released through a new website - Mary, Music and Angels - in 2024.


    Anna's desire for domesticity found expression in more than 20 years of Private Household work, which has taken her all over the world. In Governess work she developed a specialization in teaching English as a second language to young children, mainly through play.


    Anna's sense of call to Consecrated Life in 1993 proved a complex journey, but in 2012 she heard a call within a call, in Jerusalem, whilst leading the music ministry for a Diocesan pilgrimage to the Holy Land. In order to try to correspond to this she made a brief pilgrimage to Assisi in 2014 to rededicate her life and gifts, including her singing, to God, in the Porziuncola in Santa Maria degli Angeli. Within 2 weeks Anna was made redundant from the singing post, in house Opera Singer at Harrods, that she had held for 7 1/2 years! She prayed again and felt called to return to Governess work. A year later things did not make sense. With a further prayer retreat and a cri de coeur to God, 'I begged God to show me His will. I said I didn't mind what it was, but please just be clear,' Anna prayed two concurrent Novenas, one to St Joseph and one to St Therese. On the ninth day she had a Skype interview with the father of Blessed Carlo. The first surprise was to learn that the family was in Assisi itself, as her Governess Agent had told her Perugia. The second surprise was to learn that the deceased eldest son of the family was on track for canonisation.

    Anna (far left) next to the half English Paternal Grandmother of Blessed Carlo during the

    Acutis family Governess

    In 2015 Andrea and Antonia Acutis were searching for an English speaking Governess for their twins, who were not due to start school for another year. Anna was hired and remained in post for 3 years and remains in contact with the family, visiting at intervals. She organised the contacts for Antonia Salzano Acutis to speak in the London Churches, Corpus Christi, Maiden Lane, Our Lady of Dolours, Chelsea and Immaculate Conception, Farm Street, in 2023. She was present when Carlo was declared Venerable in Milan in 2016 - pictured on the far left sitting next to Blessed Carlo's half English paternal Grandmother. And she was present at the Beatification in 2020. She is profoundly grateful to the parents of Blessed Carlo for the kindness they have always shown her.

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    Call within a call

    Anna hopes to have more news about this by the time of Blessed Carlo's canonisation.

    Anna has been pondering the witness of Blessed Carlo now for 9 years. His witness and mission have touched her profoundly, bringing her both encouragement and a straightening out of various things within her life. She received two particular graces on his anniversaries, October 12th, and has surrendered to the organisation he increasingly seems to bring to bear on her path and spiritual life. 'Of all Blessed Carlo's sayings, the one that has impacted me the most was his declaration that his life's plan was to be always close to Jesus. I have found this very freeing and very simplifying. Our job is to stay close to Jesus. That's it. Nothing else matters. Of course it is easier said than done, but it is a simple goal that we can keep returning to. The disappointments of life, the losses, the errors, the sins repented of, the successes and failures and, importantly, future plans....nothing compares to the love our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ bears us in the present moment and in the great Sacraments of the Catholic Church.'

  • Contact

    Since the summer of 2024 Anna is assisted for several hours a week by Shania Steele. Shania can be reached through this contact box or by emailing Admin@ukmiracles.com

    Week beginning 3rd and 10th February 2025 Shania will be available

    Tuesday 28 January 14.00-17.00

    Thursday 30 January 14.00-17.00

    Wednesday 5 February 14.00-17.00

    Thursday 6 February 14.00-17.00

    Monday 10 February 14.00-17.00

    Tuesday 11 February 14.00-17.00

    Thursday 13 February 14.00-17.00

  • Miscellaneous

    Abide in Me - Small Group Course

    This course was designed, by Anna Johnstone, to run in conjunction with the Exhibition and an Adoration programme

    4 week Small Group programme; 4 sessions over 4 weeks

    Based on the Eucharistic, Marian and Lay Spirituality of Blessed, Carlo Acutis.

    Each session runs for 75 minutes (including time set aside for tea and coffee) and ends with intercessory prayer and a decade of the Rosary

    For example in Week 1

    The Eucharistic Miracles of Lanciano and Sokolka

    Reflecting on the miraculous tissue being from the Heart

    Emulating Blessed Carlo Acutis' desire to be like the John the Beloved Disciple and rest on the heart of Jesus

    Sharing our experience of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

    Scripture reading: John 17:21-26

    Hymn: Sweet Heart of Jesus

  • Week 1

    Life as the Beloved Disciple/Part 1

    • Resting on the Heart of Jesus
    • Jesus giving us his Heart in the Eucharist

    Week 2

    Life as the Beloved Disciple/Part 2

    • Standing with John and Mary at the foot of the cross
    • Calvary and the Mass

    Week 3

    Life as child of Mary:

    • Mother of Sanctity
    • Sacrament of Reconciliation

    Week 4

    Abiding in Christ as the path to Sanctity/Fruitfulness

    • Personal abiding in Christ
    • Parish abiding in Christ
  • Mission Example


  • St Joseph's Thame, Autumn 2017

    St Joseph's Thame, Eucharistic Mission,

    23 September to 22 October 2017, organised by Anna Johnstone

    General Programme during the Exhibition:

    The Exhibition will be shown in the Church, the Porch and the Hall.

    Light refreshments will be provided at intervals.

    Below is an 'at a glance' schedule.

    A full, detailed diary can be found at the end of this site. (Some people find the Dairy showing continental time. Please check which time zone your calendar is showing. Sunday Masses should show 9 and 11am).

    Please be sure to refer to the daily diary before planning your visit.


    Additional Events connected to the Exhibition are as follows:


    Saturday 23rd September

    19:00 Showing of Vatican produced DVD on Venerable, Carlo Acutis


    Sunday 24th September

    17.00 Talk by Father David Hartley on Venerable Marthe Robin


    Saturday 30th September

    19.00 Talk by Anna Johnstone, Governess to Carlo's younger brother and sister, on Carlo Acutis


    Sunday 8th October

    17:00 Guided Tour of the Exhibition with afternoon tea


    Saturday 14th October

    13.30 Talk on Carlo Acutis, followed by showing of

    Vatican produced DVD on Venerable, Carlo Acutis


    Sunday 15th October

    17.00 Talk by the Sisters of the Work, Littlemore,

    with afternoon tea


    Sunday 15th October

    19.00 For Team Joseph (youngsters of the Parish) Talk on Carlo Acutis and the Exhibition, followed by showing of Vatican produced DVD on Servant of God, Carlo Acutis


    Friday 20th October

    19.00 Concluding Social Event - Fish and Chips and Entertainment - Places need to be booked due to catering


    Tuesday Evenings: Abide in Me, small group, beginning 3rd October

    Saturday Afternoons: Abide in Me, small group, beginning 7th October


    Please note that the Sacrament of Reconciliation is permanently available on request



    9:00 Mass followed by tea and coffee

    11:00 Mass followed by tea and coffee

    16.30 Rosary

    17.00 Tea and cakes

    18.00 Evening prayer and Benediction

    19:00 Close



    08.40 Morning prayer

    9:05 Mass followed by all day Adoration

    18:00 Evening prayer

    20:45 Compline*

    21:00 Close*


    * Mondays, Morning prayer at 7.40, Mass at 8:00

    * Tuesdays, the Church will close at 19:30

    Tuesdays, Parish Prayer group in Adoration, 17:00-19:00, all welcome

    * Wednesdays the Exhibition and Adoration will not be available between 15:00 and 16:00



    12:00 Monday

    15:15 Tuesday

    09.30 Wednesday

    18:30 Thursday

    15:15 Friday


    Divine Mercy

    15:00 Tuesday

    15:00 Friday



    8.40 Morning prayer

    9.05 Mass followed by Confessions and morning Adoration

    12.00 Rosary followed by close*

    17.00 Confessions

    18:00 Mass


    *The Church will remain open and the parish is open to requests by groups to retain Adoration on Saturday afternoons. Please enquire


  • Resources

    There are many resources on the internet. This is an example


    Blessed Carlo Acutis' catechesis on the Eucharist,

    with a focus on the Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano.

    English translation by Anna Johnstone

  • A personal reflection on the Beatification